Quality control Plan
This statement of Policy for AlMaab LTD CO. for General Contracting One of the key goals of AlMaab LTD CO is to provide a quality service which delivers effective solutions and provides exceptional value to clients. The achievement of this goal is supported by this Company’s management systems which embrace both quality control and continual improvement of our service.
Quality control provides confidence to our clients, our own management and our people that our service will meet their quality expectations. Our quality control system emphasizes the importance of adequate planning and review in the delivery of a quality service and aims at meeting our client’s requirements on each project undertaken.
The QC staff will conduct 3-Phase inspections for all definabContinual improvement, which is a cornerstone of all our management systems, focuses on better service to our clients, and addresses another of our Company’s key goals, which is to develop our reputation, people, technologies and finances to stay at the top of management companies. It includes improved client interaction during planning and delivery of services, more effective learning from our project experience through measurement and review of performance, and more support for our project managers so that they can apply the right technology and enhanced risk management to projects. Our service targets best practice and is reinforced by our culture of openness, teamwork and sharing of experience.
Our senior management is totally committed to the achievement of the Company’s goals and we ask all our people to become actively involved in the implementation and operation of our management systems to ensure quality of service and continual improvement. Our people, in this endeavor will be supported and assisted by senior management through training and personal development programs.
le features of work.
AlMaab LTD CO shall rank quality ahead of schedule and cost as a primary objective. It is AlMaab LTD CO goal that all individuals in every job function perform their jobs in accordance with the contract requirements.
It is the policy of AlMaab LTD CO to utilize throughout its organization an effective, efficient and auditable Quality Management System planned and developed in conjunction with other management systems. Conformance of work to AlMaab LTD CO business practices is determined based on objective evidence of compliance with system requirements.
The policies, philosophies and business practices described herein shall be implemented by all project personnel, through adherence to this Project Quality Plan, Quality Plans for Inspection and Testing, Project Procedures, and supporting work instructions.
AlMaab LTD CO QC functions are designed to provide confidence to management and our Client that the required quality characteristics will be achieved.
These quality characteristics are twofold. To achieve the goals, set forth in our Quality Control Plan, we must implement and maintain a quality program that will strengthen our own competitiveness, by providing the most cost effective quality possible. At the same time, we must provide assurances to our Client, that we can consistently produce the product and service in accordance with their requirements.
The role of Quality Control in the AlMaab LTD CO organization is to provide an understanding of the quality characteristics for each project, implement processes to achieve that quality; and to assure, through audit and corrective action, that these processes are producing the desired product in the most cost effective manner.
Quality Control functions are the operational activities utilized to verify and document the quality of the product, as well as to establish the need for improvement of processes.
AlMaab LTD CO is to submit QC daily reports, weekly and monthly reports to client and to the CEO for review, approval and documentation.
Quality planning begins in the Contract/Proposal stage, while factors such as the method of construction and Statement of Work are being developed. During this phase of a project it is very important to interface with Business Development, as a means of determining the Client’s expectations, jurisdictional requirements, and special working conditions. After award of the contract, the QC Manager will work with the Project Team, as well as other functional Departments within the organization, to formalize the written Quality Control Plan. The Quality Control Plan provides a general understanding of the contract requirements, and the Client’s expectations as they pertain to the quality of the product, as well as the processes to be implemented to achieve that quality. To meet our Client’s expectations, compliance to all aspects of the contract is required.
AlMaab LTD CO organizational structure includes the Main Office support as well as the Field Site structure. The Project Director is responsible for providing the resources necessary to establish and maintain the organization, and has the overall responsibility for the quality of the product. The QC Manager reports directly to the Project Manager, and has been designated by the Project Manager as the administrator of the AlMaab LTD CO Quality Control program. The QC Manager has the organizational freedom to identify quality related problems, provide their solutions, and verify the implementation of the resolution.
AlMaab LTD CO has established and maintains the Quality Control Plan, as a means of ensuring that the product conforms to specific requirements. The objective and the purpose of the QC plan is to make sure, that office and site work of all aspects of construction is done and prosecuted as per the approved design drawings and specifications and to conforms to the international codes.
Based on the client proposal, it may become necessary to modify our Quality Control Plan on a project by project basis, to remain within budgetary considerations. When required, these proposed modifications shall be submitted to the QC Manager for review and acceptance, to ensure adherence to Contract requirements; as well as applicable codes, standards, or jurisdictional regulations. Approved modifications shall be included in the Project Quality Control Plan.
In case of any QC personnel changes, AlMaab LTD CO will inform the Clint onsite representative with the names changes and the new names replaced along with qualifications and line of authority.
Upon issuance of the NTP and when construction is released, AlMaab LTD CO will have a scheduled weekly meeting with client onsite representative, where the QC personnel will attend and a Bi-weekly progress meeting with project engineer and/or QC manager at the Adder Area office through the duration of the Project. In addition, a weekly meeting for AlMaab LTD CO staff will be held as well. Minutes of progress weekly meeting will be taken by AlMaab LTD CO and will be distributed to all attendees plus the
Resident Engineer.
It is acceptable to implement the policies, procedures, controls, and quality y programs of another organization; depending on the nature of the contract. However, these alternative methods shall be reviewed and approved by the Project Manager and QC Manager, and identified in the Project Quality Control Plan.
The Quality Control plan shall be reviewed and re-approved or updated as necessary. During the review, the CQC Manager will examine the results of all internal and external audits. Customer complaints/questionnaires, summaries of warranty claims and open issues, and any submitted Corrective Action Reports