Safety Plan
Al MAAB LTD CO is zero accidents & zero incidents, therefore our company shall prepare professional training programs for its employees and to conduct the training concentrating on hazardous activities as the first priority in addition to that the subcontractors and suppliers shall be obliged to follow the health & safety plans for their employees and submitting all certificates supporting their training otherwise Al MAAB CO shall do the training at the earliest before they start their works.
This Accident Prevention Plan (APP) is a site specific plan that establishes minimum safety
requirements and guidelines to assure that field work is performed in a s afe manner, in accordance with site specific safety procedures by Al MAAB CO.
of the APP. Al MAAB will incorporate the company’s Safety & Health Plans and policies into this APP.
Al MAAB will not allow or instruct any person to work in surroundings or under conditions that are unsafe or dangerous to his or her health.
Al MAAB will be responsible for initiating and maintaining a safety and health program that complies with the required Safety and health requirements. Each employee is responsible for complying with applicable safety and occupational health requirements, wearing prescribed safety and health equipment, reporting unsafe conditions activities, preventing avoidable accidents, and working in safe manner
The Al MAAB CO Project Director; has the overall responsibility for the operation
of the company, and has the ultimate responsibility for the safety program. Responsibility and authority for developing, administering, and implementing the company’s Safety Program has been delegated to the Project Manager and the Site Engineer. The Project Manager has responsibility and authority for ensuring compliance with the programs at the project sites.
Both project manager and site engineer have the power to stop works activities which may be executed in unsafe manner breaching the safety and accident prevention plan, project manager and safety engineer has the power to warn and stop employees working when they breach safety and accident prevention plan ,project manager and site engineer have the power to stop the works of subcontractors and to remove them from the site and terminate the subcontractor when they don’t follow safety and accident prevention plan or when their employees do not use (PPE) or neglect safety regulations.
- Assures that employees abide safety policies and procedures.
- Procedures as they apply.
Has procurement request MSDS (material safety data sheets) when placing purchase orders with suppliers or vendors
- The role of the Lead Safety Manager is the technical support from our main office to
the onsite
- Safety Officer, his duties might include (but not limited to):
- Administers the onsite safety program.
- Assures that employee safety orientation or training is conducted prior to employees
accessing job site.
- Performs safety orientation or training for all new employees.
- Conducts weekly safety professional meeting.
- Provides safety training as required.
- Assures daily tailgate sign in sheets, weekly site audits and monthly safety
performance reports are generated and transmitted to Safety Dept. in a timely manner.
- Performs safety inspections.
- Investigates all accidents and near misses. Works in close relationship with foreman
- on safety issues.
- Manages medical care for all injuries requiring treatment.
- Maintains the site specific MSDS book.
- Initiate and administers a site safety incentive/reward program.
- Assures that adequate and timely first response medical care is available during all work hours.
- Provides supervisor safety training as required.
- Performs monthly in depth jobsite safety audits.
- Authors or revises safety procedures as required.
- Assigns project safety personnel as required.
- Reviews all accidents and near misses.
- Provides technical assistance as required.
- Provides assistance to Lead Safety Manager in the administration of site safety
Incentive program
Safety requirements will be clearly understood by all employees, subcontractors and suppliers; through exposure to one or more combinations of the following (note: this list is not intended to be all inclusive:
- New hire orientations.
- Weekly Safety Meetings.
- All project Monthly Safety Meetings.
- Special safety training sessions.
- Applicable Local Governmental State Safety requirements.
- Contractual obligations.
- Client safety requirements.
- Industry practices.
Prior to the subcontractors and suppliers providing any service for Al MAAB, they will be
informed about the safety and health procedures that are appropriate to them. The equipment that will be utilized must be safe and will be checked and approved by the ALMAAB Project Superintendents.
Our agreements with subcontractors and suppliers are conditioned by their acknowledgment to submit safety and accident prevention plan to be followed by them during execution of the contract and they should nominate their qualified safety engineer to be in charge for the safety of their activities. Our project manager and safety engineer have the power to stop the works and to remove from the site and terminate agreements with subcontractors and suppliers whose employees breaching the safety and accident prevention plan when the nominated employee by the subcontractor and supplier failed in marking the breach and didn’t take necessary
Al MAAB recognizes that the organization’s only true value is its employees; therefore, our
primary concern is to provide a safe and healthy work place environment for each of them. To assure this; Al MAAB provides an ever evolving, broad based, integrated safety program; in which Al MAAB’S employees, and management at all levels work together toward a goal of maximizing employee safety.
To maximize safety, a clear understanding of the safety requirements for performing the task(s) at hand is necessary. Maximizing employee safety is accomplished through a wide variety and combination of methods, with an underlying atmosphere and emphasis on
The role of the Safety Department is to develop and provide safety guidelines for implementation on each project, to ensure compliance with the regulatory and client requirements. The overall objective being the elimination of personnel injuries, reduction of accidents, reduction of equipment and property damage, and preventing reoccur rence of these or similar occurrences.
A major tool in meeting the overall objective is establishing responsibility and accountability for the safety program at each location, and maintaining uniform implementation of the program throughout the Company.
Safety inspection shall be conducted by the project site engineer and supervisors on a day to day basis and document daily safety and occupational health inspections in their daily report log and the project safety, any external inspection certificates that may be required shall be done by a third party competent inspecting authority .
Project site Engineers report directly to the HQ. Informational flow at the field level, however, reports to the Project Manager; to affect timely corrective actions through the projects’ supervision.
The competent and /or qualified persons and their responsibility for fulfilling safety and health inspections are listed in the following pages
The Health, Safety & Environmental performance targets are set and planned to ensure that the Project be carried out with following targets:
- Zero occurrence of fatal accidents.
- Rate of occurrences of work accidents < 0.05 accident / 1000 hours.
- 100 % of Al MAAB’s personnel will be trained on subjects of H & S per year
- At least 5 preventive actions will be conducted and the results will be monitored on subjects of H &S for the period of 1 year.
- Lost Working Days (LWD) will be max. 0 days /yearly.
- Prior to commencement of work activities each employee will complete the site specific Safety and Environmental orientation including the site accident prevention plan review. Topics as minimum shall include:
- Site specific safety rules.
- Job site work rules.
- Hazards the employee may be exposed to.
- Prohibited access to site areas.
- Traffic Rules.
- Location of site and Material Safety Data Sheets.
- Hazardous waste procedures.
- Procedure for medical help.
- Incentive program.
- Evacuation procedures.
- Injury, Accident/Incident and Near Miss reporting procedures. Environmental, archaeological sensitive procedures and precautions.
- Emergency notification whistles, alarms or other communication protocol.
- Overview of the facility.
- Dust Control.
- Cell phone use.
- Safe hours worked are rewarded to employees who work without incident throughout the month.
- Pre-determined points will be deducted for unsafe acts and accidents/injuries caused by unsafe work practices.
- All accidents and injuries shall be reported to the foreman and safety department immediately.
- If first aid is required, the employee will be taken to the First Aid Office, approved medical facility or hospital accompanied by the site safety representative.
- The safety representative will inform the attending physician that light or modified jobs are available.
- Changes in the employee’s condition shall immediately be brought to the attention of the Safety Manager.
- The foreman will fill out the Foreman’s Injury report and the Safety Dept. will complete the accident
- Accident and near miss investigations shall be in accordance with the safety manual.
- The client Safety Representative will be notified of all accidents, injuries and near misses immediately. When the injured is taken off site for treatment, the client Safety representative shall be notified immediately.
- Never leave the project for medical treatment without involving your supervisor and the safety manager.
- Injuries that are not reported the day they happen will not be considered work related.
- No supervisor shall decline to accept a report of injury from a subordinate.
- When major accidents happen the safety manager shall be notified immediately about the type and size of the accident to enable him taking necessary measures such as first aid which should be made
available on site and calling firefighting team and stopping the works and evacuation of employees from the site if required.
- All Minor First Aid is provided in the Al MAAB’s Safety Office.
- Onsite Safety Engineer is trained in CPR and First Aid
- The caravan equipped with first aid supplies will be stationed at the base camp and
- ready to deploy to any location at the site. The caravan containing all First Aid
- equipment’s and stretchers, plaster casts, infusion fluids (I.V. FLUID), needles for
- stitching sutures, dressing gauze, rolls of cotton,spirit, tincture iodine ,savlone , Dettol,
- hydrogen peroxide, splints, V. fluid sets, ECG record & blood sugar testing set.
- Injuries beyond minor first aid or require an emergency treatment; will be taken to the local hospital or clinic in city.
- First-Aid kits will be located at the First-Aid Station.
- First Aid/CPR – Al MAAB will have at least two employees on each shift trained to
administer First Aid/CPR when a medical facility or physician is not accessible within five minutes of an injury to a group of two or more employees.
Emergency telephone numbers will be posted at the worksite office.
- A lecture on the nature of First Aid.
- Types of First Aid at the site according to its nature.
- Types of CPR at the site
- First Aid of Fracture at the site and safeguarding
- MSD First Aid an cure according to types
- First Aid related to explosions
- Project Safety Engineer will assess site specific hazards and indicate required PPE.
- Hard hats shall be worn when beyond the construction offices on the construction site.
- Safety glasses shall be worn on the construction site.
- Work boots or work shoes (Steel toe shoes).
- All company required PPE.
- Additional PPE as required by site conditions.
- Ear protection when noise levels exceed 85 DBA.
- (Continuous or intermittent).
- Face shields or safety glasses when grinding, chipping or performing other tasks, which required
- Additional eye protection.
- Gloves on your person always while on construction site.
- High visibility vests,
- Long Sleeve Shirts